Let’s talk about skincare

While skincare might be all the rage on Instagram, has skincare become the rage in your life? Whether you’re 16 or you’re 30, or even if you’re 50, it’s never too late to start a skincare routine. If you’ve been meaning to start working on your skin, and yourself, here is a quick beginners guide to help you achieve healthy, youthful and radiant skin by using simple and easy to find products.

SPF and Rose Water

SPF and rose water are the two most important things for your skin. SPF prevents damage from the suns rays, supports delayed ageing and reduces the chances of sunspots, wrinkles and fine lines. Rose water, on the other hand, helps hydrate your skin, preventing breakouts and pimples. We all can’t drink those endless glasses of water a day, but applying rose water on your face is easily doable. For healthy and radiant looking skin, you need to incorporate SPF and rose water into your daily routine.

Kama Ayurveda Natural Sun Protection: Get it here
Facial Tonic Mist Pure Rosewater: Get it here

Vitamin C

There is nothing on your face that vitamin C can’t fix. Skin looking dull? Got dark spots on your face? Want to make your face glow, naturally? Vitamin C is the answer to all of this. From applying tomato purée to your face to investing in a good vitamin C serum, as long as you’re applying vitamin C on your face, you’ll be a happy person, with a glowing face. Start applying vitamin C by the age of 25 at least. Ps, vitamin C can also delay signs of premature ageing.

St Botanica Vitamin C 20%, E & Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum: Get it here

Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid

I like to call these two ‘the magical ingredients’ in skincare. What can collagen and hyaluronic acid not do? From reducing fine lines and wrinkles to promoting hydration and skin elasticity, from delaying the signs of ageing to putting an end to dryness, they can do it all. 

It’s Skin Collagen Nutrition Serum: Get it here
St Botanica Hyaluronic Acid Hydra Boost Face Gel: Get it here

Face brushing 

A morning moment, dry brushing offers energizing qualities while improving the look and feel of your skin. Just 3-5 minutes will buzz your body’s connections. Skin is the human body’s largest organ, and skin brushing helps us keep it detoxified with a tantalizing and awakening effect. A healthy, invigorating way to turn sluggish and dull into bright, smooth and glowing. 

EcoTools Detoxify and Smooth Dry Body Brush: Get it here

The above extract has been taken from Higher Dose. They’ve got a really interesting blog on the ultimate self-care routine, which is definitely worth a read. 

While the above-mentioned ingredients will change your skin for the better, there are a few other things that contribute to the health of your skin. Enough sleep is one of them. When you don’t get enough sleep, your face will be puffy, your dark circles will be prominent and your face will look tired – no amount of bronzes and highlighters can change that. Watching your diet is also very important. Too much caffeine, oily foods, sodas and processed foods aren’t good for you. Instead, add a lot of green leafy vegetables, protein and dry fruit to your daily diet, and of course, food rich in vitamins and minerals. Another important point, make sure to take off your makeup before you go to bed. Use a good makeup remover, wash your face with water or a face wash and moisture. Never, ever, go to bed with makeup up, no matter how tired or drunk you might be. And lastly, exercise. Daily exercise does wonders for your skin and face – the glow you can get from exercising won’t even compare to the glow from a highlighter! 

Overthinking is not a superpower!

What caused anxiety? As ironic as it sounds, anxiety causes anxiety. You know those times when you’re overthinking about something and then you start overthinking about the fact that you’re overthinking – that is what anxiety is all about. Of course, I’m talking about anxiety at a very general level and not actual anxiety disorders. In my personal opinion, anxiety can be controlled, manipulated and conditioned using willpower, medication and natural substances. However, I feel the need to put out a disclaimer – if you feel that your anxiety has gotten so out of hand that it is interfering in your day to day life, I sincerely suggest that you consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible. Coming back on track, here are some tried-and-tested remedies and substances that actually help reduce anxiety.

1. Plan in advance
From personal experience and from the experiences of people I work with, I have realized that most anxiety comes from being put on the spot. If you wake up, plan out your day, write down everything you need to do and make a list of everything that you need to oversee, you’ll notice your anxiety will be under control. With a list in your hand and hence a goal in your mind, you’ll be able to accomplish your day to day tasks easily without any pressure or feeling anxious. Plus, that feeling of checking off things on a list is priceless!

Printable Daily To Do ListSource Pinterest

2. Exercise daily
Not just physical experience, but mental too. Spend time with yourself on a daily basis – your subconscious mind controls your life and by default, your subconscious mind controls your anxiety. I would write a book on the same, but you can just go read The Power of The Subconscious mind to really understand what I’m talking about. Physical exercise is just as important. Research has shown than physical exercises like aerobics or jogging can actually reduce tension and anxiety is less than 5 minutes. When I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or anxious, I like to listen to music. Combine that with a jog or a walk and you’re good to go – just make sure to do this daily!

World Mental Health Day pullups weights exercise gym anxiety depression wellness health mind brain mentalhealth worldmentalhealthday

Source Pinterest

3. Distract yourself
You know how you like to watch cartoons or a funny sitcom after watching a horror movie because you don’t want to have nightmares? Similarly, when you’re overthinking and getting anxious about something that is JUST NOT IN YOUR CONTROL, distract yourself. Start counting 10 things that you can see around you. Watch a funny video online. Just do something else. If you’re sitting on your chair stressing about a writer’s block, go walk to the fridge and drink some water. Basically, distraction is going to break your train of thought and that will automatically stop the over-thinking.

Related image

Source Pinterest

4. Use CBD oil or hemp extract
Both CBD oil and hemp extract have a huge impact on the brain when it comes to reducing anxiety and stress. You know how marijuana gets you high, makes you feel calmer and just eradicates any feelings of tension, stress and anxiety? Well, CBD oil and hemp extract do the same thing, just without that slow high. Industrial hemp does not contain THC like marijuana (a maximum of 0.3 percent compared to marijuana of 10+ percent), but industrial hemp actually contains chemicals that work as an anti-psychoactive. THC is the chemical found in the strain of hemp known as marijuana that causes a high. The hemp-based foods and hemp seeds found in the grocery store are created using the seed from the hemp plant, while CBD extract is sourced from the flower of the plant. Food incorporating the hemp seed has a lot of beneficial fatty acids and other nutrients but should not be confused with CBD hemp extract.Extract taken from Made By Hemp

made by hemp extract

Source Made By Hemp

5. Talk to someone
Honestly, the best way to get out of an anxious rut is by talking to someone. It is very important to talk to someone who is going to listen and care about what you have to say. You can’t just talk for the sake of talking. By talking about what you’re feeling and then listening to a second person tell you that you are over-thinking or worrying too much for no reason can be rather helpful. Sometimes, all you need is a shoulder to lean on. A like minded shoulder, if possible. In fact, you can even book sessions online with psychologists to talk about your anxiety or even the issues that are on your mind. Talking to a psychologist is nothing to be embarrassed about – you are nothing without your mental health… always remember that!


Source Pinterest

Why should you start an e-commerce website in 2019?

Advancement in technology has caused a global phenomenon called the ‘easy life’. Need an outfit for a job interview? Buy it online. Want interesting food? Order it online. No time to buy groceries? No worries, just order them online. Whatever you need, and even things that you don’t need, you can easily buy off any website! As per the Statistics Portal, the number of digital buyers and e-commerce orders in Asia is all set to cross the one billion mark this year – that is A LOT of online shopping!

So, why should you set up an e-commerce website in 2019? Because the world has already moved into the digital age, so why shouldn’t your business? Any business, no matter how big or small needs to find a place in the digital world. After all, what matters the most in this competitive day and age is which Google page your e-commerce website shows up on. People all across the globe will know about your business or brand, just because of your digital footprint. You could have a small company in the middle of nowhere which exports to all the continents, all because you have a website.


Think about this – how will people outside a 10 kilometer radius know about your business if you are not selling online? So many small and big companies sell on their own sites as well as affiliate sites online and their businesses and have boomed since they decided to step into the digital age. Not just shops and businesses, but even service providers like wedding planners, dietitians and self-help gurus have their own website so they can cater to a vast audience. People now use the internet to catch up on the news of the day; not too many people bother reading an actual newspaper. If a big industry like the news can make the shift to the digital age, why shouldn’t your business?

If you get to thinking, having an e-commerce website is actually much less risky than having an actual store or office. There are no overhead costs, no monthly salaries which have to be paid to the employees (if you hire freelancers) and no issues of utility bills. In fact, some businesses just started off by setting up Instagram pages and ended up doing so well that they shifted to actual websites just to drive traffic. Plus, it is much easier for any consumer to get online, find your business and give you a call as opposed to making the effort to reach your store or office during peak hour! And, there is the added advantage of being able to update your website and website design without having to tear down any walls. After all, the internet is the global village of tomorrow.

Deal with your dry skin, naturally – 5 natural remedies that actually work!

Dry skin is the absolute worst. Your skin starts to flake. Your makeup looks patchy and cakey. Either you’re feeling too hot because you have so much moisturizer on your face or your face is burning because your dry skin is starting to bother you now. Your skin looks really rough. When the dry skin is really acting up, brushing your palms against your skin feels like you’re touching sandpaper! Yup, dry skin can be tough. But, what’s better than natural solutions? Natural solutions are usually effective, always long lasting and they almost never have any side effects. So, let’s get started with these 5 tried and tested ways.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a great moisturizer, especially because it acts as a cleanser as well as a moisturiser. By using olive oil, your skins natural oils will remain intact while adding to these oils and cleansing your skin. You can actually make an olive oil and sugar scrub which is a great way to exfoliate your skin while making sure it stays soft and clean.


Honey is basically a natural moisturizer. Haven’t you noticed how many face creams and lotions use honey as their main ingredient? So the next time your skin is feeling a little too dry, just spoon out some honey and apply it to the affected areas. Since honey also has anti-inflammatory properties, not only does it help soften the skin but it also reduces redness and irritation.


You can actually make your own rose water at home by adding rose petals to simmering water till the petals lose their colour. Then, apply this natural and fresh rose water to your whole body using a washcloth or a cotton swab. Rose water is known to soothe and nourish the skin while leaving it baby soft.

Apple cider vinegar

Honestly, apple cider vinegar is a magical all-in-one liquid. Stomach problems? Have apple cider vinegar. Weight loss? Have apple cider vinegar. And now, dry skin? Fix that using apple cider vinegar! Apple cider basically helps to manage your ph levels which means it helps your skin get back to its original self by maintaining its natural oil. Make sure you mix apple cider vinegar with equal amounts of water before applying.


Using a hemp oil product in your skin care routine is a natural way to improve your skin. No more worrying if the ingredients are counter-productively bad for your skin…mother nature knows what she’s doing. The terpenes in hemp extract are often used in aromatherapy, so even the smell of these products is good for your wellbeing. Nothing compares to the robust hydrating and nutritional properties of hemp seed oil and hemp extract. If you’re looking to turn to a natural skin care route, hemp is the way to go. There’s bold scientific and anecdotal proof.  Extract taken from Made By Hemp

CBD oil: What is the hype all about?

I have come across many articles which talk about the benefits of CBD oil. I know this concept is relatively new in India, so new that many people might not even know that something called ‘CBD oil’ actually exists. So, it took me a few days to do my research and now I will try my best to explain everything that I have learnt about CBD oil to you.


What is CBD?

In technical terms, CBD is known as Cannabidiol. Does that ring a bell… cannabis? CBD is basically one of the 104 compounds that are found in cannabis. Here, it is important to note that the compound called Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)  is what ‘gets your high’ and CBD does not contain that compound. So, in short, CBD can work like cannabis – it helps in pain relief, reduces stress and anxiety, allows you to relax, and all without the harmful effect of getting high from THC.

How is CBD oil created?

CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant – so you know it is pure stuff. It is then added to a carrier oil like hemp oil. Many companies claim to sell CBD oil, but make sure you do your research before you make a purchase. Not buying the real stuff is almost as bad as buying mixed marijuana.

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

•     Pain relief

•     Reduces stress and anxiety

•     Helps overcome depression

•    Can treat acne

•    Anti-inflammation properties

•    Contains neuroprotective properties

•    Can help you quit smoking

•    Effective in treating epilepsy


That brings us to the next bit, is CBD legal? First of all, it is important to remember that you should only have CBD oil when prescribed to you by a doctor. That is because there are different ways to consume CBD oil – you can add it to your food or drink, consume it using a dropper, eaten as a capsule or sprayed on to the body. It is important for a doctor to prescribe just how much CBD oil you need to use, how to administer it and how often you should use it. After all, any drug is only considered safe as long as you’re having a monitored dosage.


To know more about the legality of CBD and to answer any of your safety concerns, this excerpt taken from Made By Hemp should answer most of your questions.

Is CBD and Driving Legal?

Though there is still debate over how the FDA should regulate, CBD is legal on the federal level through the 2018 Farm Bill. Therefore, CBD and driving with it in your system won’t get you into trouble the same way drunk driving would. As long as the CBD oil you use contains no more than 0.3% THC, it’s classified as a hemp product and is therefore legal.

Though this is legal, we wouldn’t suggest you telling the officer as many do not understand the difference between hemp and marijuana.

How long does CBD oil stay in your system?

There is no one single answer to this question as there’s a whole lot of key factors which influence how long CBD oil will stay in your system. The body’s reaction also differs from individual to individual. Among the factors contributing to how long the substance lasts in your body including your body weight, your lifestyle, metabolism, and of course the frequency and amount of CBD oil you consume.

Because CBD can be stored in fat cells, it can stay longer in your system if you have a larger body mass than if you have very little fat in your body. So it also makes sense that people with a more active lifestyle are able to get rid of traces of CBD from their body faster compared to those who do not exercise because they eliminate traces of CBD as they burn the fat. It’s the same thing with diet—as fiber-rich food pulls fatty substances from the body via stool, CBD is eliminated in the process as well. So the more fiber you take in, the faster CBD will exit your body.

Sometimes, though, metabolism is a completely separate thing from a person’s weight or lifestyle, and if you naturally have a high metabolic rate, you’ll be able to eliminate CBD faster no matter how much you weigh or what kinds of food you eat.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider is how much you consume and how often you take it. If you take CBD oil on a regular basis or if you take it in large doses, it will take time before you clear your system completely of the substance.

Won’t it make you feel sleepy?

When taken in higher doses, CBD oil gives a relaxing effect that can promote better sleep. However, small doses can give you an energy boost and keep you alert, awake, and focused, so you may actually drive better! But again, different bodies have different reactions to the product. There is no “one serving fits all,” so it is best to figure out how much CBD oil to take and how your body reacts to it before trying CBD and driving.

So, should you CBD and drive?

Yes. You can take CBD oil and still drive because the 0.3% THC in it will not impair you or get you high. You will still function like your normal self. However, be sure you source your CBD oil from a company you can trust so you know they display the accurate chemical breakdown of their products.

Here’s how to avoid social media induced depression

Does your morning routine include waking up to check Instagram? When you’re at the doctor’s office, Facebook is your constant companion in the waiting room? When you’re waiting for the interval to end during a movie, do you become a stalker on Snapchat?

Thanks to technology, we’re able to access social media whenever we want, whenever we want – social media is in the palm of our hands 24-7 365! Facebook boasts of nearly 1.86 billion active viewers, Instagram has about 150 million users whereas Twitter has an outstanding record of 100 million login’s daily. So when you’re accessing these social media sites day and night, it is but obvious that you’ll tend to look at someone’s vacation post or a tweet about the new job or someone’s Snapchat story on a cruise and you’ll compare it to your mundane life. This exact comparison is what leads to jealousy and envy, which in turn leads to a phenomenon called social media induced depression, because ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’.

So what if there was a way for you to enjoy social media, without having to worry about side effects like jealousy, envy and especially depression? Here are some suggestions and recommendations which you could use to remove the negative aspect of the social media craze from your life.
1. Social media is brainwashing you to believe that perfection is required for happiness. But you need to strive towards inner happiness and what makes you happy, don’t aim for things which are superficial. The more you understand what makes you genuinely happy, the sooner you’ll be able to see through those #forverblessed posts.

2. Your body goal should be what makes you feel fit, healthy and happy. Thigh gaps and bulging biceps might look good on some model, but you need to focus on being healthy. Don’t start comparing your body to anything you see online, because you never know the power of Photoshop! Also, it is such comparisons and unrealistic idols which lead to body image issues.

3. Remove all ex-lovers and ex-friends from your social media pages. If they’re doing well in life, that’s really great for them, but you don’t need such reminders on an everyday basis. Only accept and follow people whom you’d be happy for in times of celebration.

4. Don’t judge yourself based on the number of likes you get. A famous celebrity might get hundreds and thousands of likes, but you also need to look at their fan following! Put a picture on social media which you like, any other likes don’t matter.

5. Your social media experience will be a lot better if you stop looking at posts with envy. Every person is going to post about the highs and up’s of their lives, you won’t see an album dedicated to a low phase! What you’re seeing online isn’t always the full picture.

6. Don’t suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out). If you couldn’t get out with your friends on a Friday night because you had an early meeting on Saturday, that’s perfectly alright! Don’t look at their snapchat stories with hate and jealousy, focus on your own path in life.

7. Is this status directed at me? What does this twitter post really mean? Such questions which are nothing more than baseless over thinking need to stop! Any mature adult who wants to convey a message to you will do so directly, you need not worry about social media posts and indirect messages.

8. Social media should never be an addiction! You should be able to keep your phone aside and disconnect with the social world whenever you want because ‘me time’ is essential.


Just because everyone is constantly on social media, doesn’t mean you have to be! 

Overthinking, stalking, jealousy and any such behaviour and thoughts are usually triggers for stress, anxiety and even depression. The next time you start comparing your life to someone’s life on Facebook, please realize that their life isn’t perfect no matter how much they’d like to portray it is. If you feel that checking your social media accounts is becoming a sort of social media addiction which leaves you feeling sad, lonely, unhappy and envious, then it’s time to seek professional help. Feel free to speak to one of our psychologists on board to help you cope and overcome this problem. It’s always better to nip a small issue in the bud than have it blow out into something serious and sometimes irreversible.

I read an article on Made My Hemp about some mental habits that you should try in 2019, and I think they really resonate with what I am trying to say. So, here are some other things that you can try in 2019 to increase self love and self esteem – thing that social media is seeming to destroy in a lot of people!

Practice gartefulness

Being thankful for the things you have instead of focusing on the things you don’t is a good way of bringing positive energy into your life. It will, more importantly, make you realize you are lucky to have the things you do. Practicing the habit of being grateful will help you become a more positive person.

Be kind

Be the person you wish other people would be to you. Make someone’s day by smiling at them, or helping them carry a heavy load, or even just opening the door for someone who has their hands full. A bit of kindness paid forward will cultivate a world of kindness. It doesn’t take much to make others smile.

Hang out with your friends

Socialize. Even the most introverted person has someone they prefer to hang around with. It does wonderful things to your soul to share your time with the people that matter. And, hanging out with your friends will make you realize just how loved you are!

Love yourself

Tell yourself something nice every day. Most people are generous with giving away compliments to others but are stingy when it comes to themselves. Start your day by giving yourself a sincere compliment. It could be something simple like “oh my skin looks very nice today”. Or “I do make an amazing omelet.” And develop this into a daily habit. Because loving yourself will allow you to love others more freely.

To read the the 10 things that you should try to follow in 2019 for better mental health, just over to the Made by Hemp blog.

Don’t listen to what they say, go see – My trip to Malaysia

I took a trip to Malaysia with my mother. First, I want to answer the most important question – is Malaysia safe for women? Yes, it definitely is. Like most places, it has some shady areas so I won’t recommend going there at night. But I walked around in shorts and wore strappy clothes and not once did I feel unsafe. I just recommend that you use Grab (the Uber of Malaysia) to travel everywhere.

So I’m going to write this travel blog a little differently. My trip to Malaysia lasted for a week, and I visited Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi. I’m going to tell you about my itinerary and why you must visit those places or some alternative places that you could go to.

Kuala Lumpur


I stayed at DoubleTree Hilton. This was the perfect location because most places were 10 minutes away by car. The hotel is situated on the first floor of the Intermark mall (which has a metro station) so there is ease of convenience and conveyance. Plus, there was a 24-7 Mc Donalds which meant I could eat whenever I wanted without waiting for room service.

Day 1

Shopping – Central Market
Lunch – Old Town White Coffee
Dessert – Hokkaido
Sightseeing – Kuan Ti Temple
Dinner – Feugo

We landed in Kuala Lumpur around 1 pm. We went to the Central Market (a sort of air-conditioned street shopping vibe) for a little shopping spree and lunch. This is a great place to buy small nick nacks like clothes, phone covers, sims and more. Also, there are some local and authentic restaurants to eat at – we ate at Old Town White Coffee. There’s a street market just 5 minutes walking distance from here which had a lot of imitation stuff, but nothing too great.


On the way back, I stopped at a Chinese temple called Kuan Ti Temple (below) which was really beautiful. I recommend visiting that, it barely takes 5 minutes and it’s always going to be on your way to or back from someplace. Also, my mother found this amazing bakery called Hokkaido. This place has the best, like literally the best ever, baked cheese tarts that I have ever eaten. They were so good, we used to eat one each after every meal! And the good part is that you will find this bakery in many places in KL, so make sure to try the dessert here.


For dinner, I went to Feugo. What a view, what delicious food and what yummy cocktails! It’s a rooftop bar and restaurant, and it has the best view at night so you must check it out. It has a chic yet classy vibe, so dress smart but casual.


Day 2

Shopping – Suriya KLCC
Lunch – Madam Kwans
Sightseeing – KLCC Aquaria
Dinner – Marinis on 57

I heard that KL has some amazing outlet malls. Don’t go there! The outlet malls are empty with random stuff, none of which is even on discount. No good brands or anything of that sort – a total waste of time. So then, we went to Suria KLCC – now that is an actual shopping mall! Other than the fact that it has all the brands you can possibly imagine, it is also pretty centrally located.


Plus, this mall has some amazing restaurants and a buzzing food court so you can eat where ever you like. We ate at Madam Kwan’s – wholesome, authentic and delicious Malaysian food. Worth every penny.


A little tip, if you’re trying to get a really good picture in front of the twin towers, then I suggest taking a little walk in the huge garden right outside Suria KLCC. Not only will you get to digest your food, but after strolling around for a bit you will find some spots to get great pictures. People outside the Suria mall will try to sell lenses to get ‘the full length of the twin towers’ in the picture – you don’t need that from the garden. Just look at the picture below!


After that, we decided to check out the KLCC Aquaria, It is literally a 5-minute walk from the mall, so I suggest you club both these things together. The highlight of the aquarium was the all-glass walkway. I had sharks and turtles and fish and eels and what not swimming above my head – and I loved it! Plus, the souvenir shop had some really cute sea creature items which I went all gaa gaa over. And, like every touristy place in Malaysia, we got our picture clicked before we entered! A little tip, you can ask for just one picture and they will give you a code for you to download all your pictures off their website – you’ll save a few bucks.


That night, we went to Marinis on 57 for dinner and drinks. So, this is an upscale and really chic bar and restaurant which is located in one of the twin towers. I loved the vibe of the place, it was perfect for a girls night out. Also, this is the best place to go for cocktails – they offer some really good combinations! And the view, oh wow what a perfect view! Nobu is also in the same twin tower, just a floor below Marinis. So, if you feel like eating at a Michelin star restaurant, you can eat at Nobus and then head over to Marinis for a drink.


Day 3

Sightseeing – KL Tower
Lunch – Din Tai Fung
Shopping – Shoppes at Four Seasons Place, Pavillion
Dinner – La Boca

We decided we still haven’t seen enough of KL. So, we went to the KL tower to get a good view of what the city has to offer from the 360-degree observational deck. The lines weren’t long, we barely waited for 5 minutes and the view was totally worth it. If you want that perfect Instagram picture with KL in the background, this is the place to go.


After that, we decided to walk around the place and get a feel of the whole city. First, we went to eat at Din Tai Fung, which is a Michelin star restaurant. Unfortunately, the Din Tai Fung in KL did not serve pork, but considering everything on their menu is delicious, we managed to eat a good meal. After that, we decided to check out various malls, a huge HNM which was like 3 whole floors of cheap but amazing shopping, drank bubble tea, had something called a green iced milk tea and finally decided that we love the coffee at Old Town White Coffee. I suggest going to the Shoppes at Four Seasons Place, it has all the good brands and it is pretty central.


We got ready a little earlier than usual and decided to check out the Pavillion Kuala Lumpur which is another mall. The street right outside the mall was beautiful, and I really wish we had more time that night because there was so much live entertainment going on all around the mall. I guess we saved the best for last, because the vibe is unbeatable! There is thing food street situated inside or right next to the mall (I’m not sure because that mall was so big). That street is like walking through a carnival, with open air restaurants, cafes, bars and lounges on either side. In the mood for Mexcian food? Want to grab a beer with some fish and chips? Craving a gelato? Need to grab a good coffee? You’ll get everything in this little street food basement! Just walk right out, and you will see all the fun-filled live entertainment that is happening in KL.  It doesn’t matter where you go or don’t go, you should go to the street food area in Pavillion. We decided to eat at this really cute Mexican place called La Boca. The best Mexican food I could imagine having in KL! And the Sangria was so good. There was Latino music blasting, the overall vibe was just so much fun we didn’t want to leave. But alas, we had to, because we had a flight to Langkawi the next day.



IMG_1896 (1)

Day 4

Relax at the resort

We landed in Langkawi! So, Langkawi is basically a group of small islands. I very strongly suggest that you stay at Taj Vivanta Rebak Island, Langkawi (that’s where we stayed), because Taj has its own private island and you have to get there by boat. Even if you decided to stay someplace else, just make sure to stay in a hotel which is situated on its own private island. Because, other than duty-free chocolates and alcohol, the main city of Langkawi doesn’t have much to offer. So, day one in Taj Langkawi and we decided to head to the beach. There is just something special about a beautiful, clean and private beach and I enjoyed every aspect of it. Just look at how beautiful it looked in the evening!


We stayed in the resort for dinner (we kind of had to because the last Ferry out of Taj was at 7, so after that, you have an option to book a private ferry or stay in the main city of Langkawi). Well, I finally tried the famous Nasi Goreng and I can safely say I was not disappointed.


Day 5

Lunch – Street food
Sightseeing – Underwater World Langkawi
Adventure – Parasailing
Dessert – My French Factory
Dinner – Senari, Taj Langkawi

After a yummy breakfast, a swim in the pool and a sunbathing session on the beach, we went to Langkawi city. The first thing we did was head to Underwater World Langkawi. Why did we go to another aquarium? Because the Underwater World Langkawi aquarium had penguins! Both African and Rockhopper penguins. And a seal. And, the best part is that you can watch them getting fed! Make sure to check the feeding timing online so you can go accordingly. Anyway, I love penguins and we spent almost 3 hours there and I loved every second! You can also pose with exotic animals, like a dragon lizard or a snake. I chose the dragon lizard because it was so pretty.


After that, we decided to go parasailing. It’s actually, a great way to see all the islands of Langkawi. The water is beautiful, the wind blows through your hair and the islands look like tiny cute clusters. If you’ve never been parasailing, please go! My mother basically has a fear of all things fun (I’m an adrenaline junkie, she isn’t) and she loved parasailing.


We ended our little Langkawi city trip with crepes. I love desserts and crepes, but I have never had a better crepe that the one My French Factory made! It’s a small little shop in the main street shopping area, please go try the crepe!


That night, we were going to bring in my mothers birthday so we opened champagne on the beach itself and enjoyed listening to the water splash against the sand. So, again, resort food.


Day 6

Lunch – Strait’s Grill, Taj Langkawi
Sightseeing – Langkawi cable cars
Shopping – Duty-free shopping
Dinner – Moondeck, Taj Langkawi

My mother decided to become a little fun and we went kayaking. The great thing was that the resort had life jackets, kayaks and a lifeguard cum instructor. So we didn’t have to make too much of an effort to actually go kayaking, or train too much before we started. See, now you know why I recommended Taj!


Post this ‘workout session’, we decided to eat some really delicious and freshly grilled meat and fish at Strait’s Grill. This is a restaurant at the Taj resort which is right on the beach. Considering I am a total water baby and I love the beach, the restaurant couldn’t have had a better location!

To add to her “adrenaline rush”, we decided to ride the Langkawi cable car – the steepest cable car in the world. I don’t have a fear of heights, but that thing was steep! You were basically on top of Langkawi, and you could see everything. Once you get to the top, there is an observation deck which is basically the highest point. If you want to be even more adventurous (please don’t do this if you have vertigo or a fear of heights), you should take a walk along the sky bridge. There are even some spots which have an all glass bottom for you to take some real daredevil-ish pictures.


After that, we decided to do a little street shopping. For some really cute beachy stuff, summer dresses and vibrant bikinis, you must check out the Langkawi street market. And you’ll spot some cute street art too! At the end of the market, you’ll see all the duty free stores. Everything in these stores is duty-free – the perfumes, the chocolates, the alcohol, everything. Please shop till you drop, because I have never seen such cheap chocolates anywhere!


That night was my mothers birthday. So, Taj has this beautiful area called the Moondeck which can be reserved for special occasions for two. They offer a 7-course meal (you have to choose your cuisine – it was absolutely delicious food), a bottle of wine, butler service and basically, the works! So, if you’re planning a trip to Langkawi with your better half or if you’re going to celebrate a special occasion, I definitely recommend booking the Moondeck!



And that was that, our Malaysian escape ended. And honestly, I cannot wait to go back again.

The pictures used in this article are all my property, please do not use them without my permission. 

Diabetes: A serious health concern

Diabetes is an emerging health problem,  all around the world. As per the International Diabetes Federation, over 360 million people suffer from diabetes around the world! Not only is diabetes an emerging health concern, but it is also a fast emerging health concern. While everyone out of four youth suffers from diabetes, there is a certain percentage of the population which does not even know what diabetes really is.  This article is an attempt to increase diabetes awareness in Indian by breaking down the concept of diabetes.

So, what is diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which occurs when there is insufficient insulin, lack of insulin action or both. Now, most people have heard the term ‘diabetes’, they know it is related to ‘sugar’ and ‘insulin’, but have you ever really understood what causes diabetes?  In layman’s terms, diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells don’t response properly to insulin.

What does insulin do?

Insulin is basically a hormone which allows your body to use sugar. When we eat, we get energy from our food by breaking down carbohydrates or to store that as glucose for future use. When you eat food, your blood sugar levels rise as the cells in your body need energy. And where does this energy come from? Sugar. So once you are done eating, the pancreases (Insulin is made in the pancreases) get a signal to release insulin into your blood. This released insulin then signals the cells to start absorbing sugar from the bloodstream.

So when there is too much sugar in your body aka then you have gorged on breads, potatoes and other such carbs, insulin is what helps store this sugar. This stored sugar is usually stored in the liver and is released whenever your blood sugar levels are low. Basically, insulin helps balance out your blood sugar levels by releasing and storing sugar when required.

Could I become diabetic?

Diabetes is linked to genetics, lifestyle and nutrition. So you do not have to have a family history to get diagnosed with diabetes, also you will not get diabetes just because you have a family history of diabetes.  Causes of diabetes are:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Lifestyle
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Multiple pregnancies

What are the common symptoms of diabetes?

Some of the common early symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Being more thirsty
  • Going to urinate more often
  • Dry mouth
  • Blurred vision

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes:

  • Dehydration
  • Weight loss
  • Irritation
  • Vomiting

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes:

  • Increased hunger
  • Food pain and numbness
  • Frequent infections
  • Nausea
  • Extreme thirst

How do you diagnose diabetes?

If you feel that you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, go to a doctor. These are the tests which are commonly done to diagnose diabetes:

  • A1C test
  • FPG test
  • OGTT test

Can you prevent diabetes?

For some people, diabetes is hereditary. Despite that, exercise, food, nutrition and basically your overall lifestyle can help prevent diabetes. If you try your best to manage your weight, eat a healthy balanced meal and exercise regularly then you have a chance at fighting away diabetes. Also, limiting your alcohol intake, reducing the amount of preserved food you eat and quitting smoking is a big step towards combating diabetes.

As per WHO, India will cross the 100 million mark for diabetes by 2030. It is better to be well-read, highly researched and fully aware about diabetes; after all, precaution is better than cure. While the battle to increase diabetes awareness is always ongoing, as individuals can always increase our awareness. After all, only once you are aware can you spread the awareness among other people.

My white sand beach vacation in India – A trip to the border of Chennai

After hearing wonderful things about the white beaches of Pondicherry, I decided to finally make the trip. I flew from Delhi to Chennai, from there a cab took me to ECR. Instead of booking a place in Pondicherry, I chose to stay at Taj Fisherman’s Cove in ECR because Pondicherry is more known for its ashrams and detox centres. If you check Booking.com you’ll notice that Pondicherry doesn’t boast of any 5-star resorts, however, I’m very glad I chose to stay at Taj.

Taj fisherman’s cove was just a one and a half hour drive from the airport and it took the same amount of time to reach Pondicherry from this beautiful resort. In my mind, I was going to visit Pondicherry. I was excited to try the French food and swim in the ocean and walk along the white beach. To my disappointment, Pondicherry was a small quaint town with some really rustic architecture. Keeping in mind that Pondicherry was once a French colony, it was but obvious that the roads and buildings had French names. However, the rocky beach was rather disappointing and the food was nothing to write home about. But the drive to Pondicherry was beautiful. Also, areas around Pondicherry are where international brands like HnM, Zara, Vero Moda etc get their clothes made so you’ll find some great clothes (essentially export surplus) at great prices.

Now let’s come to the amazing party of my vacation – Taj fisherman’s cove on Kovalam beach Chennai. As every Taj property, the place was beautiful and picturesque. The private beach was clean, white and perfectly empty. I went there for 5 nights, so over the weekend, there were some sunbathers and surfers but other than that it was liking lying on a private beach – with a lifeguard making sure I don’t go too far into the water.

Private white sand beach at Taj

The Taj property was 45 acres and it was a beautiful place to just walk around. The food there – oh wow. Of all the hotels and resorts I’ve eaten at, this was one place where every dish and every meal was truly amazing. A special mention – the prawn fry serviced at Bayview was sensational. It was so good I ate it thrice!! As the name suggests, Bay view was a restaurant overlooking the beach and ocean. Another special mention to the hamburger served at the Seagull restaurant Taj – juicy, mouthwatering and delicious. These dishes were more than value for money – I would have paid double and still been exceedingly satisfied. And let’s not forget the amazing breakfast – the most delicious bacon, mouth watering dosa’s and my favourite, desserts for breakfast.


A very famous chain of restaurants in Chennai is Sangheeta – it’s like the Sagar Ratna of North India or the Shake Shack of the world. However let me remind you that it is only vegetarian, but it is available in every city and the food is mouthwatering. I ordered a butter Malala dosa and never have I ever had a dosa which was so soft yet crisp yet buttery. Again, I went there twice! This restaurant is known for its Tamil Nadu Thali – I didn’t get a chance to try it I could see it on every table and it looked really tempting. I missed out of it because I went after lunch hours, so if you wanna try it make sure you go before 3 pm.



All in all, my stay at the border of Chennai, was really amazing. The water was beautiful, the people spoke English and the weather was just perfect. I went at the end of August – sunshine with slight showers at night – the perfect getaway. I would recommend going to Pondicherry and trying out the bakeries and maybe getting some shopping done. Also if you want to try your hand at surfing or scuba driving then it’s a great place to go. And as for the 5-star properties in and around the ECR area – I recommend Taj. I went to the only 2 other 5 star properties on the area – the food was average (and that’s putting it nicely) and the property was just about alright. For a non-commercial beach getaway with your friends or partner, I’d definitely recommend Taj Fisherman’s Cove and Kovalam beach Chennai.

A view from the reception

Ps: this is not a sponsored post by Taj, I was just blown away by their property, staff and food.

What’s the best gift for my best friend? A non-cliché list

I think gifting is one really exciting thing about being BFF’s. It isn’t about the whole materialistic aspect – it’s about that feeling when your BFF opens your gift and screams out in joy because that is exactly what she wanted. ! It could be a birthday gift, a ‘thank you for being there’ gift, a ‘congratulations you’re single’ gift, a more common ‘you’re better off after dumping his a$$; gift or maybe just a gift to use #twinning on Instagram.

Sorry boys, it’s not like I wanted this to be just for girls, but maybe I did. But hey, you can get some ideas for your girlfriends and sisters. Anyway, here are my top picks – the best gifts you could give your best friend. Boys, you could even give a gift hamper which entails some of things below in case you’ve got a history of being a bad gifter!

  1. Twinning tees

Opt for your favourite quote or a slogan like ‘Nope’ or ‘Nap queen’. Something basic which isn’t too cliché. Or like half and half quotes. But please no fully twinning outfits, you aren’t actually 2.

Get this at Etsy.com

  1. Fuzzy bedroom slippers

There is no girl in this world who doesn’t love fuzzy bedroom slippers. They’re comfortable, they’re cosy and they’re oh-so-cute. The cuter the find, the better the gift.

Image result for fuzzy animal room slippers online

Get these on AliExpress.com

  1. Cupcakes made with love

Homemade muffins and cupcakes are great if you’re into baking. If not, there are always ready made mixtures like Betty Crocker. Write some cute stuff on the cupcakes, or maybe some insults like Max did in 2 Broke Girls.

Image result for insult cupcakes

  1. Let my water glitter

Glitter water bottles are a girls best friend, because they glitter and keep her hydrated. Plus, odd are your BFF might start drinking more water just because she doesn’t want to leave her bottle at home.

Image result for glitter water bottle india

Get this from Amazon.com

  1. Matching night suits

It’s the best way to dress for a sleepover. Plus you can get super cute candid pictures. And this ranges for girls from 5 to 50. And older. If you’re still doing sleepovers, you can gift sleepwear. How about adult onesies?

Image result for adult onesies

Buy these from dhgate.com

  1. Precious pet pillows

You could get your BFF an adorable pillow for their pet – as you might have understood from the title. Or you could get your BFF a throw pillow with an adorable picture (or in the shape) of their pet. What better way to make her smile?

Image result for pillow with pet face

Buy from amazon.com

  1. Wine glasses – the squishy kind

I most definitely do not mean super classy wine glasses. I mean those squishy wine glasses which got famous on social media. Get her those – she’ll love you forever and more.

Image result for squishy wine glasses

Get them from squishycups.com

  1. Not your usual wall calendar

The point here isn’t the calendar. The point here is that instead of boring generic pictures for every month, use inspirational and motivational quotes which help you both get through the day.

Image result for quotes wall calendar pinterest

  1. Her&Her couples spa

I went for a couple’s spa with my BFF once and it was amazing. We laughed, we talked, we took embarrassing pictures of each other and we slept. We never felt so rejuvenated. Fortunately, there were separate bathrooms to shower in.

Image result for spa pinterest

  1. Flavours.. let your imagination be free

It could be a variety of flavours of anything! Coffee, condoms, chocolate, tea – whatever she likes. Or whatever you feel like she needs – if you know what I mean.

Image result for tea flavours ebay

Buy this off ebay.com

  1. One mask at a time

The best part about gifting face masks? She’s going to open them in front of you, and for the next hour you’re both going to be lying on the bed with a fruity face mask on taking goofy pictures.

Image result for face mask nykaa

Find these on Nykaa.com

  1. To get some shut eye

Every girl needs an eye mask – to sleep at night, to nap on the plane or to take adorable pictures. Get her something bold and funky, something which you know she’s seen online but never bought.

Image result for cute eye mask

Buy this from AliExpress.com

  1. Make up your mind

So I constantly tell my BFF she needs to try nude lipsticks. For some reason she sticks to orange. If you’ve got a BFF like that – give her vanity kit with all the colours, products and brands you’ve been telling her to try – how else will she know you’re always right?Image result for makeup bag pinterest

  1. Something of yours she liked

So one of my BFF’s loved this bag I bought online, and of course she could borrow it whenever she wanted. Still I got her a similar bag (except, hers was better!!) and she was so happy. Now we’ve both got cute bags, and bags to borrow.

Image result for clutch bags amazon

This ones from amazon.com

  1. Fake flowers never die

I know flowers are super cliché, but I don’t mean a bunch of fake flowers. I mean a little cute display box with some fake flowers, or maybe a tea kettle with fake flowers in it. You could buy as it is, or use your imagination and create your own.

Related image

Get this on flipkart.com

If any of these ideas helped, let me know in your comments below. And if you’ve got ideas to add (I’m sure you’ve got loads), you know where to write them!

As for the pictures, no copyright infringement is intended. For some reason WordPress won’t let me edit to add links.